November 1, 2020

Dogs, Sheep, Wolves

O.M.G. this ad on the right ....   
Such a brazen Dog whistle. 

It's been put up by the Partnership for Americas Health Care Future, a super-funded adversary of universal coverage. 

The mission they claim to have – expand coverage, fix whats not working, protect the most vulnerable, yada, yada, yada, – is the Sheep's clothing.

And all you have to do is scroll down there a bit to see all the Wolves.
Health insurance companies
Chambers of Commerce
Retail organizations in every state
Hospital and MD organizations
Pharmaceutical and trade groups

. . . in short, every entity that has a stake in this for-profit industry and wouldnt tolerate a change in tax law.

Read Andrew Perez in Tarbell (Oct. 15, 2019) for some details on how hospitals lead the campaign against Medicare for All.

Read him again a month later on how Democratic consulting firms have turned to PAHCF for help:

The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future (PAHCF), a nonprofit created last year to oppose plans to create a comprehensive, universal health care system, paid almost $760,000 to Bully Pulpit Interactive, a communications and digital marketing firm that has worked with the ... DNC and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).

And he goes on like that, citing big $$$ going to a polling firm (Anzalone Liszt Grove Research) that works with Biden and the DCCC, to Forbes Tate with ties to moderate Democrats, to a trade group (Business Forward) warning business leaders against M4A.  Perez also says the Partnership has attacked Biden and Buttigieg for planning to create a public option.

Importantly, PAHCF tax returns show the organization has been led by these humongous lobbying groups.  From the same article: 

  • DC-based America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
  • Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), DC’s top drug lobbyists
  • Federation of American Hospitals (FAH), a trade group for investor-owned hospitals, and the
  • AMA, we know who that is.

Whistleblower Wendell Potter has written on bad-actor PAHCF a lot. For example, in this Tarbell post (Feb. 14, 2019) he fact-checks one of its videos on employer coverage, concluding:

Bottom line: employer-based coverage is not what it used to be. Nor is it providing anywhere close to the same level of protection it once did. So, to say that “180 million Americans with employer-provided coverage have access to affordable quality health care” just ain’t true in more ways than one.

(See my last year’s post “Blowing whistles and raking muck” for other Potter links.)

I'm all for dogs, sheep and wolves – we share the earth. 
But hogs, vipers, and boa constrictors not so much.