On Jimmie Kimmel show, Oct. 24, 2019:
YouTube video, begin 07:02:
“People make this more complicated than it really is. Medicare right now is the most popular healthcare program in America. I want to expand Medicare to include dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses, and then what I want to do is lower the
eligibility age first year from 65 down to 55, then to 45, then to 35, and then we cover everybody. And when we do that, there are no more premiums! You’re not paying any more premiums, no more copayments, no more deductibles, no more out of pocket expenses. And virtually every person in this country will save money on healthcare …
"The function of the healthcare system today — shock of all shocks— is to make the drug companies and the insurance companies incredibly rich. Well, I don’t think that’s the function of healthcare …
Just as an example, if somebody who is self-employed today is paying $15, $20,000 a year in premiums and out of pocket expenses, that’s all gone. Well, they may pay $7 or $8,000 more in taxes. They’re $12,000 to the good. And that’s what we have got to do. We have to do what every other country does is make sure that anybody can go to any doctor they want, whenever they want, and not worry about the cost of healthcare."
National Nurses United (NNU): flyers for download
Download from the link various flyers on City Council resolutions, details of the House and Senate versions of the bill, summary of the bills, FAQ, Q&A, Myths v. Facts (in Eng. and Sp.)
PublicCitizen's summary and flyers:
The Case for Medicare-for-All (69 pages)
Flyer — M4All would cost less while covering more
Flyer — M4All would end fear of medical bills or losing coverage
Flyer — M4All would improve health care for families and providers
Flyer — M4All is commonsense and achievable
PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Program)
"Stop fearmongering about 'Medicare for All,'" by Donald Berwick (article, Oct. 22, 2019)
"Medicare for All explained," interviews with Kristen Grimm (podcasts, pt.1 Oct. 1, 2019; pt.2 Oct 15, 2019)
"What the health care debate still gets wrong," by Adam Gaffney (article, Oct. 17, 2019)
It turns out that the real cost problem, all along, has been the other half of the spending equation: not the quantity of medical services rendered, but the prices paid by insurers for each unit of care provided."The public option on health care is a poison pill," by David Himmelstein (article, Oct. 7, 2019)
But the case for a public option rests on faulty economic logic and naive assumptions about how private insurance actually works. Private insurers have proved endlessly creative at gaming the system to avoid fair competition, and they have used their immense lobbying clout to undermine regulators’ efforts to rein in their abuses. That’s enabled them to siphon hundreds of billions of dollars out of the health care system each year for their own profits and overhead costs while forcing doctors and hospitals to waste billions more on billing-related paperwork...
Public option proposals come in three main varieties . . . No working models of the [1] buy-in or [2] pay-or-play public option variants currently exist in the United States or elsewhere. But decades of experience with [3] Medicare Advantage offer lessons about that program and how private insurers capture profits for themselves and push losses onto their public rival—strategies that allow them to win the competition while driving up everyone’s costs.
Private insurers employ a dizzying array of profit-enhancing schemes ... • Obstructing expensive care ... • Cherry-picking and lemon-dropping ... • Upcoding, or making enrollees look sicker on paper than they really are to inflate risk-adjusted premiums. By applying serious-sounding diagnoses to minor illnesses, Medicare Advantage plans artificially inflate the premiums they collect from taxpayers by billions of dollars while adding little or nothing to their expenditures for care. • Lobbying to get excessive payments and thwart regulators.
Senator Bernie Sanders on Medicare for All
Options to finance Medicare for All
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal on Medicare for All