September 5, 2024

Prop 1 “YES” – kill the dangerous loopholes

The Prop 1 wording on the Nov. 5 ballot is not as clear as some people would have wanted, so we have to keep talking this up to make it sure it won’t fail. 

Here’s the message that needs spreading around:


All New Yorkers deserve the freedom to control our own lives, futures, and healthcare decisions, including our right to abortion. 

No New Yorker should be discriminated against, or taken advantage of, by those in power. 

Prop 1 is a NY state constitutional amendment that puts the power in the hands of New Yorkers, not politicians. 

This November, vote YES on Prop 1 to protect abortion rights and our freedoms.

From the NYCLU:

We might like to think we’re safe from these attacks here in New York, but the truth is there are dangerous loopholes in our state constitution that leave us vulnerable to the whims of politicians…

… laws aren’t enough, because they can be easily changed, as we’ve seen time and again in recent years as political winds shift.

When we enshrine a right in the state constitution, we protect it from political attacks.

That’s why we need Proposal 1, or what has been previously called the New York Equal Rights Amendment, which will protect our rights and reproductive freedoms — including the right to abortion. 

Proposal 1 will keep New Yorkers — not politicians — in charge of our personal decisions and will enshrine equal rights into our state constitution. 

More at New Yorkers for Equal Rights.

Make sure people know to look for Prop 1 on the ballot. Then vote “YES.”