August 4, 2024

What’s going on with corrective legislation, fed and NYS

All stuck in committees.

I’ve updated the page tabs at the top of this website with recent bills and related info in five categories.

Under the tab Medicare for All
Just some background info on this topic.

Under the tab In Congress
Bills relating to Medicare for All.  They’re all sponsored and co-sponsored by Democrats, with the exception of our favorite spokesperson on this issue, the Independent senator from the great state of Vermont, Bernie Sanders. 
     NEW!  Added to the list of items and services in the most recent MfA bills (S.1655 and HR.1655) that are “medically necessary or appropriate to maintain health or diagnose, treat, or rehabilitate a health condition” are “gender affirming care, and reproductive care, including contraception and abortions.”
     The Senate version calls for a 4-year transition, the House version 2 years. The Senate bill got referred to a single committee (Finance), the House bill to seven of them.
     In addition to these bills, there are two letters from legislators – still only Dems + Bernie – asking for more protections against Medicare Advantage plan abuses.  

Under the tab Medicare Advantage
Lists some of the more important bills attempting to rein in the shenanigans of for-profit insurance companies.

Under the tab Pharmacy Benefit Mgrs
There’s much more bi-partisanship in these bills, but I’m not sure why.  

Under the tab New York Health Act
What’s going on with Single Payer in New York State.  

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