I have a lot to write about, but until I get into composer mode, let me post this email from Bo Lipari, watchdog of NYS Elections:

Because turnout is expected to be unusually high and the new computerized voter registration database may well have many voters incorrectly removed from the voter rolls, there are four things you need to know before you go vote on Election Day in New York State:
1) Bring identification to the polls.
2) Know your rights.
3) Be prepared to wait in line as long as necessary.
4) Numbers to call if you have a problem.
Read details on these four items here.
[On that site you can] Download a flow chart of how to resolve issues you may face when checking in at the poll site here.
[On that site you can] Download a list of acceptable forms of ID in New York State here.
Bo Lipari
Executive Director
New Yorkers for Verified Voting

ANY ELECTION PROBLEM can be reported at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
They can solve little problems (like where you vote, what ID you need (if any), and when the polling place opens) to more difficult ones (like the polling place has been moved). They'll send a local lawyer out to resolve the problems you can't fix on the phone, and if something needs a judge, these people will know where to find one. All kinds of voting information can be found on their website.
I think we're taking the country back.
i can't help thinking it's awesome that there has been such long lines all over... people taking a greater interest in public issues is always a good thing